Sunday, January 20, 2013


Hey there! So I warned you that I was new to the blogging world, so much so that I am bad at posting. Geez, I need to be better. I promise to try! With that being said, since you got a glimpse into our wedding last go around, I thought I would share a little bit about our honeymoon.

After our wedding, we spent the next day packing up and stuffing my car to the maximum in preparation for our journey to Texas. We squeezed family a little tighter the next morning and said our ‘see ya laters’ and on the road we were. It was a long journey to Texas, but luckily we had some fun stories to reminisce over. Unfortunately, Kyle had to go back to work immediately, but this gave me some time to nestle in and make this place ‘ours’. A week later, Kyle and I were fortunate enough to be able to get away for a honeymoon, just the two of us. Let’s celebrate that small bit in itself, this never happens! We dug out our bathing suits and sunscreen and off to Mexico we went! We headed to an all-inclusive resort just south of Playa Del Carmen. For once in my life, all our flights were on time and went smoothly, so we knew this was going to be a great week. Upon our arrival in Mexico, the weather was perfect, sunny and hot (these were requests for our honeymoon destination). Fortunately, this was just a preview of the weather for the remainder of the week. Our resort was awesome, sort of like a cruise, but on land. There was always an abundance of food and drinks available, and we rarely passed on the opportunity to eat! By the end of the week we were actually sick of eating! Kyle and I spent a very relaxing weekend enjoying each other and taking in all that had just happened. We also had the opportunity to do a little snorkeling, a monkey tour, and visited the Tulum Mayan Ruins. Again, it was really cool, and the views were beautiful. What an amazing God we have to paint such an awesome picture for us! We were also reassured that the world would not be ending, simply a new calendar for the Mayans. No big deal. All in all, I would say the honeymoon was a complete success. We were sad to leave paradise and get back to the ‘real world’. However, I was excited to get back and continue to nestle in our place. The ONLY negative part about our trip was the iguanas. These things were HUGE and I was terrified. For some reason Kyle found this amusing, he is so sweet.

Here are some picture highlights from our trip: 

Scary monsters
The view from our room
The resort
Before dinner one evening

Tulum, with beautiful water

Monday, January 7, 2013

Happy Birthday Mom!

Happy Birthday Momma J!

She is the best.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

You and Me Together...

Hey there! Sara here… I am a newbie to the whole blogging world (bare with me). However, I am excited to share our story as newlyweds, life in Texas, and anything else I might think is interesting. With all that said, this post is dedicated solely to our wedding, all other topics must wait for another date!

As you now know, Kyle and I are newlyweds. We have been married a whopping one month and 13 days! Whoop whoop we survived the first month! We officially became Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Jacobson November 24, 2012. The entire wedding weekend was absolutely amazing and more than we could have ever asked for. We kicked off the weekend with a welcome party given by my in-laws (still crazy to say). This provided our out-of-town guests something to do on Friday night, as there is not much to do in Johnson City. The party also allowed Kyle and I time to visit with some our guests before madness broke loose wedding day. I highly recommend a welcome party or something of the nature if you can fit it in to your weekend! Our wedding day was perfect, the best day ever, by far. I wish we could re-live our wedding day over and over, and over again. Obviously being a girl I have thought about our wedding day on more than one occasion and pictured what it would be like. I had pictured it a million different ways, with different decorations, flowers, and tiny details. Our wedding exceeded all my day dreaming expectations, on so many different levels. Also like many other girls these days, I was on Pinterest all the time ‘researching’ and finding different ideas to incorporate. We wanted our wedding to be special (like most people), but most importantly to be unique to our personalities and us. I may be a little biased but I think we rocked it out in that department. We went for the ‘rustic elegant’ theme as some people may describe it. We incorporated the burlap and wood, but also a little sparkle and candles to add a little more elegance. I had all these great ideas and things that I wanted to make happen. However, I was also finishing school with my hardest rotation so I wasn’t sure all these things would come together. With a very crafty and talented mom, dedicated sister, along with a great team of family and friends, things indeed came together. My mom is super woman. She paid attention to every last detail and made things come together so perfectly. Kyle was also a champion throughout the entire process. He answered all of my questions, provided great ideas and feedback, and put up with me when I was crazy! We had family and friends from near and far, we couldn’t be more thankful for everyone traveling to help us celebrate. Although the wedding day as a whole is a bit of a blur, I have absolutely loved re-living everything through our photos and wedding video. Needless to say, we are definitely surrounded by great families and crazy friends who provided lots of love, laughter, support, and great memories. Thank you to everyone who helped make our day so special. We love you all!

See below for the video Kyle created for our welcome party and some of our favorite pictures. It was so hard because there are so many good ones! Shout out to Rachel Webb Photography! 

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Welcome to the new Jacobson blog.  Sara and I will be posting here about newlywed life together in Texas and anything else we enjoy and find interesting.  We will both be contributing so please check in often. Enjoy!