Sunday, April 28, 2013

Better late than never...right???

Better late than never as I always say! Especially since I have been meaning to blog about a weekend day date for approximately...well, we won't go into how long. The point is, I am doing it now and that is all that matters! So like I was saying... Kyle and I got to enjoy some of the "spring" Dallas weather one saturday with a day date. We started off by heading to the Dallas Arboretum for the Dallas Blooms. I had a couple people tell me how awesome it was and Kyle surprised me with tickets one afternoon. Yeah, he is thoughtful like that. Apparently, the Dallas Blooms is the largest floral festival in the southwest with over 500,000 spring blossoming blooms. The weather was absolutely perfect and we spent a good amount of time exploring the arboretum. The only thing that would have made the trip better was if we had thought to bring a picnic, but we didn' after we left we went to grab some sandwiches and had a picnic at a park. I love a good sandwich and Kyle had heard good things about a local place called Jimmy's Food Store. We highly recommend. We grabbed some sandwiches to go, I had the prosciutto panino and Kyle had the muffaletta. So good, and to top it off they have the good kind of Fanta. The kind I found in Italy... it is different and way better. We lounged in the park for a bit, a great ending to our date! Below are some of my favorite pictures from the day. Please forgive, combination of real camera and camera phone.

There were tulips everywhere!
Hydrangeas, my favorite.

 Prosciutto Panino
 The real deal Fanta
Picnic in the park with this handsome guy

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